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Convergence of modified Szász-Mirakyan-Durrmeyer operators depending on certain parameters

  • * Corresponding author: Mohammad Mursaleen

    * Corresponding author: Mohammad Mursaleen
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  • Motivated by certain generalizations, in this paper we consider a new analogue of modified Szá sz-Mirakyan-Durrmeyer operators whose construction depends on a continuously differentiable, increasing and unbounded function τ with extra parameters μ and λ. Depending on the selection of μ and λ, these operators are more flexible than the modified Szá sz-Mirakyan-Durrmeyer operators while retaining their approximation properties. For these operators we give weighted approximation, Voronovskaya type theorem and quantitative estimates for the local approximation.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 41A10, 41A25; Secondary: 41A36.


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