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Symbolic computation of recurrence coefficients for polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Szegő-Bernstein weights

  • Corresponding author: Gradimir V. Milovanović

    Corresponding author: Gradimir V. Milovanović

Dedicated to occasion of 60th birthday of Prof. Vijay Gupta

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(7) Related Papers Cited by
  • The coefficients in the three-term recurrence relation for monic orthogonal polynomials with respect to the Szegő-Bernstein weight functions wν(x)=W(x)/(cx)ν, ν1, on (1,1) are obtained in the explicit form for all Chebyshev cases, i.e., when W(x) is (1x2)1/2, (1+x)/(1x) and (1x)/(1+x). Chebyshev's method of modified moments is used, as well as the MATHEMATICA package OrthogonalPolinomials developed in [Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 19 (2004), 17-36] and [Math. Balkanica 26 (2012), 169-184].

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 33C45; Secondary: 33F10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Three-term recurrence coefficients αk (left) and βk (right) for ν=4

    Figure 2.  Three-term recurrence coefficients αk (left) and βk (right) for ν=5

    Figure 3.  Three-term recurrence coefficients αk (left) and βk (right) for ν=10

    Figure 4.  Three-term recurrence coefficients αk (left) and βk (right) for ν=5

    Figure 5.  Three-term recurrence coefficients αk (left) and βk (right) for ν=10

    Figure 6.  Three-term recurrence coefficients αk (left) and βk (right) for ν=10

    Figure 7.  Three-term recurrence coefficients αk (left) and βk (right) for ν=10

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