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Synchronization of a Kuramoto-like model for power grids with frustration

  • * Corresponding author: Zhuchun Li

    * Corresponding author: Zhuchun Li

This work was supported by NSF of China grant 11671109. The work of Z. Li was also supported in part by Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (grant LH2019A012)

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • We discuss the complete synchronization for a Kuramoto-like model for power grids with frustration. For identical oscillators without frustration, it will converge to complete phase and frequency synchronization exponentially fast if the initial phases are distributed in a half circle. For nonidentical oscillators with frustration, we present a framework leading to complete frequency synchronization where the initial phase configurations are located inside the half of a circle. Our estimates are based on the monotonicity arguments of extremal phase and frequency.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 92D25, 34D06.


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