An Experimental Performance Comparison for Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane

An Experimental Performance Comparison for Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane

Spyros Sioutas, G. Papaloukopoulos, K. Tsichlas, Y. Manolopoulos
Copyright: © 2010 |Volume: 1 |Issue: 4 |Pages: 19
ISSN: 1947-9344|EISSN: 1947-9352|EISBN13: 9781613502976|DOI: 10.4018/joci.2010100105
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Sioutas, Spyros, et al. "An Experimental Performance Comparison for Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane." IJOCI vol.1, no.4 2010: pp.78-96.


Sioutas, S., Papaloukopoulos, G., Tsichlas, K., & Manolopoulos, Y. (2010). An Experimental Performance Comparison for Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), 1(4), 78-96.


Sioutas, Spyros, et al. "An Experimental Performance Comparison for Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane," International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI) 1, no.4: 78-96.

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In this paper, the authors present a time-efficient approach to index objects moving on the plane in order to answer range queries about their future positions. Each object is moving with non small velocity u, meaning that the velocity value distribution is skewed (Zipf) towards in some range , where is a positive lower threshold. This algorithm enhances a previously described solution (Sioutas, Tsakalidis, Tsichlas, Makris, & Manolopoulos, 2007) by accommodating the ISB-tree access method as presented in Kaporis et al. (2005). Experimental evaluation shows the improved performance, scalability, and efficiency of the new algorithm.

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