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Home > Published Issues > 2010 > Volume 5, No. 9, September 2010 >
A Novel Data-Oriented Name Service
Abstract—The Internet has evolved from its original design.
(1)The user cares about what they are looking for, not which machine provides the data or the service. The host-to-host Internet tends to become a data-oriented network. (2) In the pressures of commerce and security, the middleboxes, such as network address translators (NATs), firewalls and caching servers, become commonplace in current Internet. They improve the performance of the applications and security, but also violate the Internet layering and are difficult to maintain and configure.
To adapt these changes, we proposed the novel Data-Oriented Name Service (DONS), which gives a clean-slate redesign of Internet naming and name resolution. It achieves (1) permanence, getting the resource using the persistent name; (2) semantic-free, improving the flexibility and functionality of the network; (3) middlebox integration, allowing and facilitating the deployment of middleboxes; (4) self-certifying, authenticating the source.
Index Terms—Network architecture, naming, name resolution, data-oriented.
Cite: Hengkui Wu, Deyun Gao, Dong Yang and Hongke Zhang
, "A Novel Data-Oriented Name Service," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no.9, pp.684-691, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.9.684-691