Hatem Dhaouadi
Hatem Mhiri
Monastir University, Tunisia
CFD, Odour Dispersion, Airlift Hydraulics, Aeration.
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Environmental Modeling
Fluid Dynamics
Simulation and Modeling
Most of the WWTP use biological processes which are intrinsically dynamic because of the large variations in the wastewater flow rate, pollutants concentration and composition. These variations are to a large degree not possible to control and the use of simulator may be helpful. CFD, one of the most used numerical tool, is employed in this study to prospect three particular technical aspects of WWTP, namely odors dispersion, hydraulics of a high rate airlift algal pond and mass transfer performances of surface aerators. Fluent® software is used and the validation of the developed models is made using a real scale WWTP data. This experimental validation is supported by the monitoring of the main odour pollution parameter (gaseous H2S concentration) through different zones around El-Frina WWTP. CFD models are also used to examine the behavior of gas and liquid phase dynamic throughout the high rate airlift algal pond and results are compared to those obtained with measurements made at
Sidi Bouali WWTP. Concerning the aeration system capacity, gas liquid mass transfer study of surface aerators has been conducted on a lab scale Rushton blades.