Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



Authors: Hugo Plácido da Silva 1 ; José Guerreiro 1 ; André Lourenço 2 ; Ana Fred 1 and Raúl Martins 1

Affiliations: 1 Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal ; 2 Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal

Keyword(s): Biosignals, Instrumentation, Electromyography, Electrocardiography, Electrodermal Activity, Accelerometry.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Biomedical Devices for Computer Interaction ; Collaboration and e-Services ; Devices ; e-Business ; Enterprise Information Systems ; Human-Computer Interaction ; Physiological Computing Systems ; Usability ; Usability and Ergonomics ; Web Information Systems and Technologies ; Web Interfaces and Applications

Abstract: Physical computing has spun a true global revolution in the way in which the digital interfaces with the real world. From bicycle jackets with turn signal lights to twitter-controlled christmas trees, the Do-it-Yourself (DiY) hardware movement has been driving endless innovations and stimulating an age of creative engineering. This ongoing (r)evolution has been led by popular electronics platforms such as the Arduino, the Lilypad, or the Raspberry Pi, however, these are not designed taking into account the specific requirements of biosignal acquisition. To date, the physiological computing community has been severely lacking a parallel to that found in the DiY electronics realm, especially in what concerns suitable hardware frameworks. In this paper, we build on previous work developed within our group, focusing on an all-in-one, low-cost, and modular biosignal acquisition hardware platform, that makes it quicker and easier to build biomedical devices. We describe the main design con siderations, experimental evaluation and circuit characterization results, together with the results from a usability study performed with volunteers from multiple target user groups, namely health sciences and electrical, biomedical, and computer engineering. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Plácido da Silva, H., Guerreiro, J., Lourenço, A., Fred, A. and Martins, R. (2014). BITalino: A Novel Hardware Framework for Physiological Computing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems - PhyCS; ISBN 978-989-758-006-2; ISSN 2184-321X, SciTePress, pages 246-253. DOI: 10.5220/0004727802460253

author={Hugo {Plácido da Silva} and José Guerreiro and André Louren\c{c}o and Ana Fred and Raúl Martins},
title={BITalino: A Novel Hardware Framework for Physiological Computing},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems - PhyCS},


JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems - PhyCS
TI - BITalino: A Novel Hardware Framework for Physiological Computing
SN - 978-989-758-006-2
IS - 2184-321X
AU - Plácido da Silva, H.
AU - Guerreiro, J.
AU - Lourenço, A.
AU - Fred, A.
AU - Martins, R.
PY - 2014
SP - 246
EP - 253
DO - 10.5220/0004727802460253
PB - SciTePress