Federico Giovannini
Elisa Magosso
University of Bologna, Italy
Neural Network Modelling, Visual-Auditory Interactions, Multisensory Enhancement, Ventriloquism.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Signal Processing
Computational Intelligence
Computational Neuroscience
Enterprise Information Systems
Health Engineering and Technology Applications
Human-Computer Interaction
Methodologies and Methods
Neural Network Software and Applications
Neural Networks
Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics
Pattern Recognition
Physiological Computing Systems
Sensor Networks
Signal Processing
Soft Computing
Theory and Methods
Remarkable visual-auditory cross-modal phenomena occur at perceptual level: a visual stimulus enhances or biases auditory localization in case of spatially coincident or spatially disparate stimuli. Hemianopic patients (with one blind hemifield resulting from damage to primary visual cortex) retain visual enhancement but not visual bias of auditory localization in the blind hemifield. Here, we propose a neural network model to investigate which cortical and subcortical regions may be involved in these phenomena in intact and damaged conditions. The model includes an auditory cortical area, the primary and extrastriate visual cortices and the Superior Colliculus (a subcortical structure). Model simulations suggest that: i) Visual enhancement of auditory localization engages two circuits (one involving the primary visual cortex and one involving the Superior Colliculus) that act in a redundant manner. In absence of primary visual cortex (hemianopia), enhancement still occurs thanks to
the Superior Colliculus strongly activated by the spatially coincident stimuli. ii) Visual bias of auditory localization is due to an additive contribution of the two circuits. In hemianopia, the effect disappears as the Superior Colliculus is not sufficiently activated by the spatially disparate stimuli. The model helps interpreting perceptual visual-auditory phenomena and their retention or absence in brain damage conditions.