Darius Andrei Suciu
Vlad Vasile Itu
Alexandru Cristian Cosma
Mihaela Dinsoreanu
Rodica Potolea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Unsupervised Learning, Opinion Mining, NLP, Domain Independent Learning, Implementation.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Intelligence Applications
Data Mining in Electronic Commerce
Information Extraction
Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Knowledge-Based Systems
Mining Multimedia Data
Pre-Processing and Post-Processing for Data Mining
Symbolic Systems
Considering the wide spectrum of both practical and research applicability, opinion mining has attracted increased attention in recent years. This article focuses on breaking the domain-dependency issues which occur in supervised opinion mining by using an unsupervised approach. Our work devises a methodology by considering a set of grammar rules for identification of opinion bearing words. Moreover, we focus on tuning our method for the best tradeoff between precision-recall, computation complexity and number of seed words while not committing to a specific input data set. The method is general enough to perform well using just 2 seed words therefore we can state that it is an unsupervised strategy. Moreover, since the 2 seed words are class representatives (“good”, “bad”) we claim that the method is domain independent.