Panagiotis Gourgaris
Andreas Kanavos
Christos Makris
Georgios Perrakis
University of Patras, Greece
Inference Network, Knowledge Extraction, Opinion Mining, Re-ranking Model, Searching and Browsing, Text Mining, Web Information Filtering and Retrieval.
Enterprise Information Systems
Recommendation Systems
Software Agents and Internet Computing
In this paper, we address the problem of entity ranking using opinions expressed in users’ reviews. There is an
abundance of opinions on the web, which includes reviews of products and services. Specifically, we examine
techniques which utilize clustering information, for coping with the obstacle of the entity ranking problem.
Building on this framework, we propose a probabilistic network scheme that employs a topic identification
method so as to modify ranking of results based on user personalization. The contribution lies in the construction
of a probabilistic network which takes as input the belief of the user for each query (initially, all entities
are equivalent) and produces a new ranking for the entities as output. We evaluated our implemented methodology
with experiments with the OpinRank Dataset where we observed an improved retrieval performance to
current re-ranking methods.