Tetsuya Suga
Junichi Iijima
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Enterprise Ontology, Business Process Modeling, Formalization, Algebra, Set Theory, DEMO.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Process Management
Data Engineering
Enterprise Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Enterprise Ontology
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Symbolic Systems
Partial models are small models produced by splitting a large full model into meaningful conceivable-sized
fragments with each separate diagram. They are commonly used when the full model is too large and shared by
several people who have their own scope of interest. Those partial models are subject to being manipulated—
merged for instance. This context calls for discussion in Enterprise Ontology (EO) about the capability of
business process modeling languages in handling partial models and manipulations on them. There, indeed,
exists a lack of researches in the methodology of EO, namely Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations
(DEMO) for formal studies on its consistency in producing partial models and merging them. It
stems from a deficiency of formal semantics in the specification of the notation. By formalizing the DEMO
Construction Model (CM) with a concept of well-formed models and the merge operation from a set-theoretic
approach, this paper clarifies that the close
dness, commutativity, and associativity are guaranteed in merging
partial models of DEMO CM. An example of EU-Rent accompanies the formalizations for validation and