Yassine Rhazali
Youssef Hadi
Abdelaziz Mouloudi
Faculty of Sciences Kenitra and Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
MDA, MDE, CIM to PIM Transformation, Business Process Modelling, Computer Modelling.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Process Management
Enterprise Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Languages, Tools and Architectures
Methodologies, Processes and Platforms
Model Transformation
Model Transformations and Generative Approaches
Model-Driven Architecture
Model-Driven Software Development
Paradigm Trends
Software Engineering
Symbolic Systems
Systems Engineering
Our paper shows a new methodology for controlling the models transformation from CIM to PIM into model driven architecture. In this proposal we founded on an analytical survey. Our methodology is based on creation of the transformable models in CIM level to facilitate the transformation task to the PIM level. We create a good PIM level, according to the three classic modelling views. Then, a set of transformation rules are established through ATL language to assure a semi-automatic transformation between CIM and PIM. Our methodology ensures the recommendations of MDA approach by presenting business process in CIM level through BPMN which is OMG standard for modelling business process. However, we founded on UML to model the PIM level, because UML is advisable by MDA in PIM.