Marcin Kopaczka
Kemal Acar
Dorit Merhof
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Thermal Infrared, Face Tracking, Facial Landmark Detection, Active Appearance Model.
Applications and Services
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Enterprise Information Systems
Human and Computer Interaction
Human-Computer Interaction
Image and Video Analysis
Motion, Tracking and Stereo Vision
Shape Representation and Matching
Tracking and Visual Navigation
Long wave infrared (LWIR) imaging is an imaging modality currently gaining increasing attention. Facial
images acquired with LWIR sensors can be used for illumination invariant person recognition and the contactless
extraction of vital signs such as respiratory rate. In order to work properly, these applications require a
precise detection of faces and regions of interest such as eyes or nose. Most current facial landmark detectors
in the LWIR spectrum localize single salient facial regions by thresholding. These approaches are not
robust against out-of-plane rotation and occlusion. To address this problem, we therefore introduce a LWIR
face tracking method based on an active appearance model (AAM). The model is trained with a manually
annotated database of thermal face images. Additionally, we evaluate the effect of different methods for AAM
generation and image preprocessing on the fitting performance. The method is evaluated on a set of still images
and a video sequence. Results s
how that AAMs are a robust method for the detection and tracking of
facial landmarks in the LWIR spectrum.