Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



Authors: Dorota Kuchta 1 ; Radosław Ryńca 1 ; Dariusz Skorupka 2 and Artur Duchaczek 2

Affiliations: 1 Wrocław University of Technology, Poland ; 2 The General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces, Poland

Keyword(s): Portfolio Planning Methods, Strategic Management, Generalised Assignment Problem, General Knapsack Problem, Computer Decision Aid.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems ; Enterprise Information Systems ; Operational Research ; Strategic Decision Support Systems

Abstract: There are many methods and tools in the literature that are helpful in strategic management. Some of them are related to the aspect of sustainability in terms of controlling and balancing the level of fulfilment of the different, sometimes conflicting, objectives which must be considered while building strategies. These tools include product portfolio methods. However, their use is often intuitive and detached from the quantitative aspects of management, such as cost-related restrictions or other quantitative restrictions imposed by the market or by internal circumstances. This article presents a proposal for the modification of portfolio methods aimed at enforcing the portfolio’s quantitative aspect through the use of a discrete optimisation problem, namely the knapsack problem. Interacting with the decision maker, the quantitative parameters of the situation and the strategic goals are determined. Following this, a proposal solution is generated by a computer system in which the re spective algorithms for the generalised knapsack problem (also called the generalised assignment problem) are embedded. The decision maker can accept the solution or change the parameters if the solution does not suit them or if they simply want to have other solutions for comparison. The outline of the system and the interaction between the decision maker and the system is illustrated by means of an example of constructing strategies for a university. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Kuchta, D., Ryńca, R., Skorupka, D. and Duchaczek, A. (2016). The Use of the Generalised Knapsack Problem in Computer Aided Strategic Management. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS; ISBN 978-989-758-187-8; ISSN 2184-4992, SciTePress, pages 39-46. DOI: 10.5220/0005769000390046

author={Dorota Kuchta and Radosław Ryńca and Dariusz Skorupka and Artur Duchaczek},
title={The Use of the Generalised Knapsack Problem in Computer Aided Strategic Management},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS},


JO - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS
TI - The Use of the Generalised Knapsack Problem in Computer Aided Strategic Management
SN - 978-989-758-187-8
IS - 2184-4992
AU - Kuchta, D.
AU - Ryńca, R.
AU - Skorupka, D.
AU - Duchaczek, A.
PY - 2016
SP - 39
EP - 46
DO - 10.5220/0005769000390046
PB - SciTePress