Barbara S. Zaunbrecher
Thomas Bexten
Jan Martin Specht
Manfred Wirsum
Reinhard Madlener
Martina Ziefle
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Renewable Energy, Social Acceptance, Economics, Technology, Interdisciplinarity, Electricity Storage.
Energy and Economy
Energy-Aware Systems and Technologies
Frameworks and Models for Smart City Initiatives
Planning and Design Challenges for Smart Cities
Renewable Energy Resources
Smart Cities
User-Centred and Participatory Design of Services and Systems for Smart Cities
The transition towards renewable energies is not only a technical, but also an economic and social challenge.
Without an economic perspective that takes into account risk and uncertainty, a technically feasible scenario
can easily lead to financial losses. Likewise, a technically and economically feasible scenario which is not in
line with public acceptance is difficult to implement and the diffusion of new technologies is hindered. It is
therefore apparent that, for a holistic evaluation, new energy scenarios need to be considered from more than
one perspective. The challenge in an interdisciplinary approach is to find a common analytical framework,
which is a prerequisite to be able to integrate data and combine approaches from different disciplines into one holistic model. This paper suggests a process model for interdisciplinary collaboration and argues how within these, scenarios can be used as common frames of reference by taking a current interdisciplinary energy project
as example. Finally, challenges and opportunities of the process model are discussed.