Anwar Al-Khateeb
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Human Mobility, Smart City, Urban Planning, Embedded System, Optimization.
Energy and Economy
Green Computing Models, Methodologies and Paradigms
Green Data Centers
Intelligent Transport Systems and Traffic Management
Smart Cities
Sustainable Computing and Communications
The mobility model will help us to simulate the movements of people more realistic as in real case. This paper developed human mobility system using random way point and random walk methods to model the individual movement of person in different places within area of Baghdad, Iraq. There are a lot of types of mobility model but we use Random Way Point (RWP) because it is simple, most common use and needs less memory and time for computation. The geographical information and maps of the cities are used to tell the person about the constraints and correct the direction of motion in different areas to generate more accurate data. Tested areas are quite different in style, structure, social, history and culture. The most similar thing between them is that they are both in continuously changing which is the one of biggest difficulties in designing the city. Al-Sadar city is one of biggest population city in Baghdad, Iraq. It has three millions people population. We choose 5000 users moves
from Al-Sadar city to two different places in Baghdad: Al-Khadmia and Al-Zawra. Al-Khadmiia is old and religion place and Al-Zawra is biggest public garden in Baghdad. In our work, we find the best ways that connect Al-Sadar city with both places. We decide the best ways depending on distances and traffic between them. It gives good method to build smart transportation and smart city using mobility and traffic models. .This paper will help urban decision maker to suggest the analytical model for urban space and have a clear picture about the city: how can it change, how do the people move in the city, what are the problems and how can solve them to generate smart city.