Philippe Feyel
Safran Electronics & Defense, Massy and France
LPV/LFT Synthesis, H∞ Synthesis, μ Synthesis, Fixed-Structure, Multiple Plants, Small Gain Theorem, Evolutionary Computation, Robust Control, Adaptive Control.
Adaptive Signal Processing and Control
Evolutionary Computation and Control
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Nonlinear Signals and Systems
Robotics and Automation
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modeling and Control
This paper proposes to address the problem of fixed-structure gain-scheduled LPV/LFT controllers for plants with time-varying measurable and time invariant unmeasurable uncertainties. Due to the complexity of merging μ-technics with LPV/LFT approach, an alternative presented here consists in computing robust fixed-structure LPV/LFT controllers using the multiple plants framework instead of μ-technics. The complexity of this optimization problem is tackled with global evolutionary optimization. This paper shows that this approach is quite efficient and very simple to implement. The algorithm has been tested on the pendulum in the cart academic example.