Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



Authors: Thomas Ostermann 1 ; Jan Ehlers 2 ; Michaela Warzecha 3 ; Gregor Hohenberg 3 and Michaela Zupanic 2

Affiliations: 1 Chair of Research Methodology and Statistics in Psychology, Witten/Herdecke University, 58448 Witten and Germany ; 2 Chair of Didactics and Educational Research in Health Science, Witten/Herdecke University, 58448 Witten and Germany ; 3 Centre for IT, Media and Knowledge Management, University of Applied Sciences Hamm, 59063 Hamm and Germany

Keyword(s): Progress Testing, Online Digital Platform, Knowledge Acquisition.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Business Analytics ; Business and Social Applications ; Data Engineering ; Database Architecture and Performance ; Databases and Data Security ; e-Business ; Enterprise Information Systems ; Statistics Exploratory Data Analysis ; Workflow Management and Databases

Abstract: Results of summative examinations represent most often only a snapshot of the knowledge of students over a part of the curriculum and do not provide valid information on whether a long-term retention of knowledge and knowledge growth takes place during the course of studies. Progress testing allows the repeated formative assessment of students’ functional knowledge and consists of questions covering all domains of relevant knowledge from a given curriculum. This article describes the development and structure of an online platform for progress testing in psychology at the Witten/Herdecke University. The Progress Test Psychology (PTP) was developed in 2015 in the Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy at Witten/Herdecke University and consists of 100 confidence-weighted true-/false-items (sure / unsure / don’t know). The Online-System for implementation of the PTP was developed based on XAMPP including an Apache Server, a MySQL-Database, PHP and JavaScript. First results of a long itudinal survey show the increase in student’s knowledge in the course of studies also reliably reflects the course of the curriculum. Thus, content validity of the PTP could be confirmed. Apart from directly measuring the long-term retention of knowledge the use of the PTP in the admission of students applying for a Master’s program is discussed. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Ostermann, T., Ehlers, J., Warzecha, M., Hohenberg, G. and Zupanic, M. (2018). Development of an Online-System for Assessing the Progress of Knowledge Acquisition in Psychology Students. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - DATA; ISBN 978-989-758-318-6; ISSN 2184-285X, SciTePress, pages 77-82. DOI: 10.5220/0006892500770082

author={Thomas Ostermann and Jan Ehlers and Michaela Warzecha and Gregor Hohenberg and Michaela Zupanic},
title={Development of an Online-System for Assessing the Progress of Knowledge Acquisition in Psychology Students},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - DATA},


JO - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - DATA
TI - Development of an Online-System for Assessing the Progress of Knowledge Acquisition in Psychology Students
SN - 978-989-758-318-6
IS - 2184-285X
AU - Ostermann, T.
AU - Ehlers, J.
AU - Warzecha, M.
AU - Hohenberg, G.
AU - Zupanic, M.
PY - 2018
SP - 77
EP - 82
DO - 10.5220/0006892500770082
PB - SciTePress