Bruno Cabral
Álvaro Figueira
CRACS / INESCTEC, University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 1021/55, Porto and Portugal
Data Mining, e-Learning, Machine Learning, Online Interaction Comparison, Prediction of Failures, Learning Management System.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Analytics
Computational Intelligence
Data Analytics
Data Engineering
Evolutionary Computing
Information Extraction
Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Knowledge-Based Systems
Machine Learning
Pre-Processing and Post-Processing for Data Mining
Soft Computing
Symbolic Systems
Nowadays, students commonly use and are assessed through an online platform. New pedagogy theories that promote the active participation of students in the learning process, and the systematic use of problem-based learning, are being adopted using an eLearning system for that purpose. However, although there can be intense feedback from these activities to students, usually it is restricted to the assessments of the online set of tasks. We propose a model that informs students of abnormal deviations of a “correct” learning path. Our approach is based on the vision that, by obtaining this information earlier in the semester, may provide students and educators an opportunity to resolve an eventual problem regarding the student’s current online actions towards the course. In the major learning management systems available, the interaction between the students and the system, is stored in log. Our proposal uses that logged information, and new one computed by our methodology, such as the
time each student spends on an activity, the number and order of resources used, to build a table that a machine learning algorithm can learn from. Results show that our model can predict with more than 86% accuracy the failing situations.