Alexander O. Akande
Vu N. Tran
School of Business and Technology, Capella University, MN 55402, U.S.A.
BYOD, Policy Awareness, Policy Enforcement, Policy Maintenance, Information Security, Information Security Program Effectiveness.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) adoption in organizations continues to grow in recent years, with the aim to improve both organization cost-saving, employee job satisfaction, and employee productivity. An effective BYOD security program enhances the chance of success of a BYOD deployment. This study evaluates the applicability of the Knapp and Ferrante’s Information Security Policy and Effectiveness model for explaining and predicting BYOD security program effectiveness. The relationships between the fundamental causal factors in the model, namely awareness, enforcement, and maintenance, and program effectiveness, were evaluated using a sample of 119 BYOD users working in the financial sector in the United States. Our investigation shows support for utilizing this model to drive improvement in a BYOD deployment.