Christoffer Olsson
Mohsen Toorani
Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University, Sweden
Decentralized Systems, Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Security, Chaincode, Caliper, Cheminformatics.
Research and development of novel molecular compounds in the pharmaceutical industry can be highly costly. Lack of confidentiality can prevent a product from being patented or commercialized. As an effect, cross-organizational collaboration is virtually non-existent. In this paper, we introduce a blockchain-based solution to the collaborative drug discovery problem so that participants can maintain full ownership of the asset and upload partial information about molecules without revealing the molecule itself. A prototype is also implemented using the blockchain technology Hyperledger Fabric and analyzed from security and performance perspectives. The prototype provides a set of functionalities that makes sure that ownership is maintained, integrity is protected, and critical information remains confidential. From a performance perspective, it provides a good throughput and latency in the order of milliseconds. However, further improvements could be done to the scalability of the sys