Gergana Lilligreen
Nico Henkel
Alexander Wiebel
UX-Vis, Hochschule Worms Univeristy of Applied Sciences, Erenburgerstr. 19, 67549 Worms, Germany
Augmented Reality, Interaction, Mixed Reality, 3d Interaction, Nature, Outdoor.
The implementation of augmented reality in nature and in an environmental education context, is not a common case. Furthermore, augmented reality is often used basically for visualization, which puts users in a rather passive state. In this paper we investigate how near and far interaction using a head-mounted-display can be combined with visualization on a tree outdoors and which of the interaction techniques are suitable for a future use in an environmental education application. We examine the interaction with virtual leaves on the floor combined with a virtual-real interaction with a real tree. Parameters like type of interaction, different real surroundings and time task performance, as well the interplay and connection between them are discussed and investigated. Additionally, process visualization in a nature setting like clouds and rain, and growing of tree roots are included in the augmented reality modules and evaluated in user tests followed by a questionnaire. The results
indicate, that for a future educational application both, near and far interaction, can be beneficial.