Adrien Mialland
Ihab Atallah
Agnès Bonvilain
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, Gipsa-Lab, 3800 Grenoble, France
Otorhinolaryngology, CHU Grenoble Alpes, 38700 La tronche, France
Stylohyoid, Digastric, Electromyography, Swallowing Sound, Implantable Active Artificial Larynx.
The stylohyoid and the posterior digastric muscles have essentially been measured through indirect imaging method because of the difficulty to measure them. They are small neck muscles, close to each other, that cannot easily be accessed independently. Yet, they showed promising results for a robust and safe indwelling detection of swallowing, both in terms of timing and recruitment. The possibility to thoroughly establish their relevance through their direct functional analysis would enable the development of an implantable active artificial larynx, that would protect the airway during swallowing detection. Therefore, we set up the first standardized procedure that allows their direct measurement through intramuscular electromyography (EMG) and that we report in this paper. We also used submental surface EMG and swallowing sound modalities to access the major time points of the swallowing process. Finally, various exercises, along with swallowing, were performed by the volunteers. 1
6 peoples were measured with our new procedure, and both the stylohyoid and the posterior digastric could be measured independently with no difficulty. Timings and tasks comparison are therefore ongoing.