Antonio Ghezzi
Jacopo Manotti
Andrea Rangone
Raffaello Balocco
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Via Lambruschini 4B, 20156 Milan, Italy
Business Model, Business Model Innovation, Strategic Innovation, Technological Change, Lean Startup.
Business Model Innovation (BMI) has recently caught the eye of academics and practitioners in the broad fields of Strategy and Technology Management. However, the relationship between BMI and Strategic Innovation (SI) remains an open issue. Thus, this study aims at investigating the relationship between SI and BMI, focusing on the role technological change plays in it. To this end, we first propose a classification of Technological Change types according to three dimensions: trajectory, intent and effect. Second, based on this classification, we conduct a cross-industry multiple case study with 16 companies to understand how the relationship between SI and BMI is mediated or triggered by the nature of Technological Change taking place, giving rise to eight “innovation paths”. We also shed light on the key role played by different actors – top, middle and low management and key employees – in SI and BMI, according to their level of “technological change empowerment.