Torpong Nitayanont
Dorit Hochbaum
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.
Positive-Unlabeled Learning, Binary Classification, Pairwise Similarity, Parametric Minimum Cut.
Positive-unlabeled (PU) learning is a binary classification problem where the labeled set contains only positive class samples. Most PU learning methods involve using a prior π on the true fraction of positive samples. We propose here a method based on Hochbaum’s Normalized Cut (HNC), a network flow-based method, that partitions samples, both labeled and unlabeled, into two sets to achieve high intra-similarity and low inter-similarity, with a tradeoff parameter to balance these two goals. HNC is solved, for all tradeoff values, as a parametric minimum cut problem on an associated graph producing multiple optimal partitions, which are nested for increasing tradeoff values. Our PU learning method, called 2-HNC, runs in two stages. Stage 1 identifies optimal data partitions for all tradeoff values, using only positive labeled samples. Stage 2 first ranks unlabeled samples by their likelihood of being negative, according to the sequential order of partitions from stage 1, and then uses
the likely-negative along with positive samples to run HNC. Among all generated partitions in both stages, the partition whose positive fraction is closest to the prior π is selected. An experimental study demonstrates that 2-HNC is highly competitive compared to state-of-the-art methods.