Special Issue on Selected Papers from the Twenty-second International Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD 2014
Drawing Outer 1-planar Graphs with Few Slopes
Vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 707-741, 2015. Regular paper.
Abstract A graph is outer 1-planar if it admits a drawing where each vertex is on the outer face and each edge is crossed by at most another edge. Outer 1-planar graphs are a superclass of the outerplanar graphs and a subclass of the planar partial 3-trees. We show that an outer 1-planar graph G of bounded degree ∆ admits an outer 1-planar straight-line drawing that uses O(∆) different slopes, which generalizes a previous result by Knauer et al. about the outerplanar slope number of outerplanar graphs (Knauer, Micek, and Walczak. CGTA, 2014). We also show that O(∆2) slopes suffice to construct a crossing-free straight-line drawing of G; the best known upper bound on the planar slope number of planar partial 3-trees of bounded degree ∆ is O(∆5) as proved by Jelínek et al. (V. Jelínek, E. Jelínková, J. Kratochvíl, B. Lidický, M. Tesar, and T. Vyskocil. Graphs and Combinatorics, 2013).
Submitted: October 2014.
Reviewed: February 2015.
Revised: March 2015.
Reviewed: August 2015.
Revised: September 2015.
Accepted: October 2015.
Final: October 2015.
Published: November 2015.
Communicated by Christian Duncan and Antonios Symvonis
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