Identity-based public key cryptography is a paradigm (see also identity-based encryption) introduced by Shamir in 1984 [29]. His motivation was to simplify key management and remove the need for public key certificates as much as possible by letting the user's public key be the binary sequence corresponding to an information identifying him in a nonambiguous way (e-mail address, IP address combined to a user name, telephone number …). The removal of certificates allows avoiding the trust problems encountered in current public key infrastructures (PKIs): it is no longer necessary to bind a public key to its owner's name since it is one single thing and it also simplifies key management since public keysare human-memorizable. These systems involve trusted authorities called private key generators (PKGs) that have to deliver private keys to users after having computed them from their identity information (users do not generate their key pairs themselves) and from a master...
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Libert, B., Quisquater, JJ. (2005). Identity-Based Cryptosystems. In: van Tilborg, H.C.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security. Springer, Boston, MA .
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