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Real-World Multimedia Systems

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Encyclopedia of Multimedia

Definition:Real-world multimedia systems can be defined as systems that utilize real-world data to support the querying and retrieval of multimedia content.

Multimedia systems have always been at the heart of technical convergence, fusing video and audio with text, images and graphics. However, increased and cheaper processing power combined with other advances such as affordable sensor equipment, has enabled this to take on new dimensions whereby multimedia content and real-world data converge within a real-world multimedia system. Real-world multimedia systems can be defined as systems that utilize real-world data to support the querying and retrieval of multimedia content. This retrieval may be either pulled or pushed. Real-world multimedia systems vary substantially, but broadly can be seen to embody the architecture shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.
figure 1_0-387-30038-4_203

Generic architecture of a real-world multimedia system.

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Agius, H., Crockfor, C., Money, A.G. (2006). Real-World Multimedia Systems. In: Furht, B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Multimedia. Springer, Boston, MA.

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