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Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues - HSI 2005

3rd International Conference on Human-Society@Internet, Tokyo, Japan, July 27-29, 2005, Proceedings

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2005


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 3597)

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About this book

The Internet has now become an integral part of everyday life for hundreds of millions of people around the world. The uses of the Internet have augmented commerce, communication, education, governance, entertainment, health care, etc. E-mail has become an indispensable part of life; the Web has become an indispensable source of information on just about everything; people now use governmentWebsitestoreceiveinstructionsandinformation,and?lepaperwork with the government; many major online businesses have been created, such as Amazon, eBay, Google, Travelocity, eTrade, etc. However, the uses of the Internet have also had serious negative e?ects, - cluding spam, the spreading of viruses and worms, spyware, phishing, hacking, online fraud, invasions of privacy, etc. Viruses and worms often bring down tens of millions of computers around the world; many people get duped into furni- ing their personal identi?cations, and bank and insurance account information, etc. ; hackers break into government and corporation computers to steal cri- cal data; unsubstantiated rumors about individuals or organizations spread like wild?re on the Internet, etc. Further, the uses of the Internet are creating new paradigms in areas such as copyright, governance, etc. The widespread use of peer-to-peer ?le sharing systems, started by Napster,is forcing a reassessment of the value of holding copyright on digital media. Internet postings by vocal citizens to the Web sites of the news media, governmento?ces, and elected g- ernment o?cials are impacting government policies and swaying the opinions of other citizens. The aim of the International Conference on Human.

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Table of contents (41 papers)

  1. Service

  2. Wireless I

  3. Internet Applications I

  4. Internet Applications II

  5. Information Retrieval

  6. Medical Applications

Other volumes

  1. Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues - HSI 2005

Editors and Affiliations

  • Osaka University, Cybermedia Center, Osaka, Japan

    Shinji Shimojo

  • Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

    Shingo Ichii

  • School of Computing, National University of Singapore,  

    Tok-Wang Ling

  • National Internet Development Agency of Korea, Seoul, Korea

    Kwan-Ho Song

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