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A Speech Recognizer Based on Multiclass SVMs with HMM-Guided Segmentation

  • Conference paper
Nonlinear Analyses and Algorithms for Speech Processing (NOLISP 2005)


Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is essentially a problem of pattern classification, however, the time dimension of the speech signal has prevented to pose ASR as a simple static classification problem. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers could provide an appropriate solution, since they are very well adapted to high-dimensional classification problems. Nevertheless, the use of SVMs for ASR is by no means straightforward, mainly because SVM classifiers require an input of fixed-dimension. In this paper we study the use of a HMM-based segmentation as a mean to get the fixed-dimension input vectors required by SVMs, in a problem of isolated-digit recognition. Different configurations for all the parameters involved have been tested. Also, we deal with the problem of multi-class classification (as SVMs are initially binary classifers), studying two of the most popular approaches: 1-vs-all and 1-vs-1.

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Martín-Iglesias, D., Bernal-Chaves, J., Peláez-Moreno, C., Gallardo-Antolín, A., Díaz-de-María, F. (2006). A Speech Recognizer Based on Multiclass SVMs with HMM-Guided Segmentation. In: Faundez-Zanuy, M., Janer, L., Esposito, A., Satue-Villar, A., Roure, J., Espinosa-Duro, V. (eds) Nonlinear Analyses and Algorithms for Speech Processing. NOLISP 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 3817. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-31257-4

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-540-32586-4

  • eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)

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