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Toward Category-Level Object Recognition

  • Book
  • © 2006


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 4170)

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About this book

Although research in computer vision for recognizing 3D objects in photographs dates back to the 1960s, progress was relatively slow until the turn of the millennium, and only now do we see the emergence of effective techniques for recognizing object categories with different appearances under large variations in the observation conditions. Tremendous progress has been achieved in the past five years, thanks largely to the integration of new data representations, such as invariant semi-local features, developed in the computer vision community with the effective models of data distribution and classification procedures developed in the statistical machine-learning community.

This volume is a post-event proceedings volume and contains selected papers based on presentations given, and vivid discussions held, during two workshops held in Taormina in 2003 and 2004. The main goals of these two workshops were to promote the creation of an international object recognition community, with common datasets and evaluation procedures, to map the state of the art and identify the main open problems and opportunities for synergistic research, and to articulate the industrial and societal needs and opportunities for object recognition research worldwide.

The 30 thoroughly revised papers presented are organized in the following topical sections: recognition of specific objects, recognition of object categories, recognition of object categories with geometric relations, and joint recognition and segmentation.

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Table of contents (30 chapters)

  1. Introduction

  2. Recognition of Specific Objects

  3. Recognition of Object Categories

Editors and Affiliations

  • Département d’Informatique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

    Jean Ponce

  • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

    Martial Hebert

  • GRAVIR-INRIA, Montbonnot, France

    Cordelia Schmid

  • Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

    Andrew Zisserman

Bibliographic Information

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