After briefly establishing the traditional concepts in subdivision surfaces, we survey the way in which the literature on this topic has burgeoned in the last five or six years, picking out new trends, ideas and issues which are becoming important.
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N. A. Dodgson, I. P. Ivrissimtzis, and M. A. Sabin. Characteristics of dual triangular \(\sqrt 3 \) subdivision. Curve and Surface Fitting: Saint-Malo 2002 [117], 119–128, 2003.
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B. Han. Classification and construction of bivariate subdivision schemes. Curve and Surface Fitting: Saint-Malo 2002 [117], 187–198, 2003.
M. F. Hassan and N. A. Dodgson. Ternary and Three-point univariate subdivision schemes. Curve and Surface Fitting: Saint-Malo 2002 [117], 199–208, 2003.
C. Loop. Smooth ternary subdivision of triangle meshes. Curve and Surface Fitting: Saint-Malo 2002 [117], 295–302, 2003.
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J. Stam and C. Loop. Quad/triangle subdivision. Computer Graphics Forum 22(1), 79–85, 2003.
V. Surazhsky and C. Gotsman. Explicit surface remeshing. Eurographics symposium on geometry processing [120], 17–27, 2003.
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A. Levin. Polynomial generation and quasi-interpolation in stationary non-uniform subdivision Computer Aided Geometric Design 20, 41–60, 2003.
P. Oswald and P. Schröder. Composite primal/dual sqrt(3) subdivision schemes Computer Aided Geometric Design 20, 135–164, 2003.
A. Levin and D. Levin. Analysis of quasi-uniform subdivision. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 15, 18–32, 2003.
B. Han. Computing the smoothness exponent of a symmetric multivariate refinable function. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, 24, 693–714, 2003.
N. Dyn, D. Levin, and A. Luzzatto. Non-stationary interpolatory subdivision schemes reproducing spaces of exponential polynomials. Found. Comput. Math, 187–206, 2003.
M. Sabin and A. Bejancu. Boundary conditions for the 3-direction box-spline Maths of Surfaces X, Springer, 2003.
A. Ron. Private communication, 2003.
I. P. Ivrissimtzis, N. A. Dodgson, and M. A. Sabin. A generative classification of mesh refinement rules with lattice transformations. Computer Aided Geometric Design vol 21(1), 99–109, 2004.
I. P. Ivrissimtzis, N. A. Dodgson, and M. A. Sabin. \(\sqrt 5 \) Subdivision. Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling [135], pages 285–299 (this book), 2004.
M. F. Hassan and N. A. Dodgson. Reverse Subdivision. Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling [135], pages 271–283 (this book), 2004.
N. Alkalai and N. Dyn. Optimizing 3D triangulations for improving the initial triangulation for the butterfly subdivision scheme. Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling [135], pages 231–244 (this book), 2004.
N. Dyn, D. Levin, and M. Marinov. Geometrical interpolation shape-preserving 4-point schemes. Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling [135], pages 301–315 (this book), 2004.
L. Barthe, C. Gérot, M. A. Sabin, and L. Kobbelt. Simple computation of the eigencomponents of a subdivision matrix in the frequency domain. Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling [135], pages 245–257 (this book), 2004.
C. Gérot, L. Barthe, N. A. Dodgson, and M. A. Sabin. Subdivision as a sequence of sampled Cp surfaces. Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling [135], pages 259–270 (this book), 2004.
N. A. Dodgson, M. S. Floater, and M. A. Sabin (eds.). Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling, Springer-Verlag (this book), 2004.
A. Cohen, N. Dyn, and B. Matei. Quasilinear subdivision schemes with applications to ENO interpolation. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, to appear.
I. P. Ivrissimtzis, N. A. Dodgson, and M. A. Sabin. The support of recursive subdivision surfaces. ACM Transactions on Graphics, to appear.
B. Han, T. Yu, and Yong-Gang Xue. Non-interpolatory Hermite subdivision schemes. Preprint.
J. Peters and L-J. Shiue. 4–3 Directionally Ripple-free Subdivision. Submitted to ACM Transactions on Graphics.
N. Dyn and E. Farkhi. Convexification rates in Minkowski averaging processes. In preparation.
M. Sabin. A circle-preserving interpolatory subdivision scheme. In preparation.
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Sabin, M. (2005). Recent Progress in Subdivision: a Survey. In: Dodgson, N.A., Floater, M.S., Sabin, M.A. (eds) Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modelling. Mathematics and Visualization. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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