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Anticipation Model for Sequential Learning of Complex Sequences

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Sequence Learning

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNAI,volume 1828))

  • 1081 Accesses


One of the fundamental aspects of human intelligence is the ability to process temporal information (Lashley, 1951). Learning and reproducing temporal sequences are closely associated with our ability to perceive and generate body movements, speech and language, music, etc. A considerable body of neural network literature is devoted to temporal pattern generation (see Wang, 2001, for a recent review). These models generally treat a temporal pattern as a sequence of discrete patterns, called a temporal sequence. Most of the models are based on either multilayer perceptrons with backpropagation training or the Hopfield model of associative recall. The basic idea for the former class of models is to view a temporal sequence as a set of associations between consecutive components, and learn these associations as input-output transformations (Jordan, 1986; Elman, 1990; Mozer, 1993). To deal with temporal dependencies beyond consecutive components, part of the input layer is used to keep a trace of history, behaving as short-term memory (STM). Similarly, for temporal recall based on the Hopfield associative memory, a temporal sequence is viewed as associations between consecutive components. These associations are stored in extended versions of the Hopfield model that includes some time delays (Sompolinsky & Kanter, 1986; Buhmann & Schulten, 1987; Heskes & Gielen, 1992). To deal with longer temporal dependencies, high-order networks have been proposed (Guyon et al., 1988).

Thanks to X. Liu for his help in typesetting. The preparation of this chapter was supported in part by an ONR YIP award and a grant from NUWC.

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Wang, D. (2000). Anticipation Model for Sequential Learning of Complex Sequences. In: Sun, R., Giles, C.L. (eds) Sequence Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 1828. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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