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Integrating Notifications and Transactions: Concepts and X2TS Prototype

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Engineering Distributed Objects

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNCS,volume 1999))


Event-based architectural style promises to support building flex- ible and extensible component-oriented systems and is particularly well suit- ed to support applications that must monitor information of interest or react to changes in the environment, or process status. Middleware support for event-based systems ranges from peer-to-peer messaging to message queues and publish/subscribe event-services. Common distributed object platforms restrict publishing events on behalf of transactions to message integrating transactions. We suggest that concepts from active object systems can sup- port the construction of reliable event-driven applications. In particular, we are concerned with unbundling transactional reactive behavior in a CORBA environment and introduce X2TS as integration of transaction and notifica- tion services. X2TS features rich coupling modes that are configured on a per subscriber basis and supports the application programmer with coordinating asynchronous executions on behalf of transactions.

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Liebig, C., Malva, M., Buchmann, A. (2001). Integrating Notifications and Transactions: Concepts and X2TS Prototype. In: Emmerich, W., Tai, S. (eds) Engineering Distributed Objects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1999. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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