- Editors:
David Naccache
Gemplus Card International, Issy les Moulineaux, France
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About this book
You are holding the rst in a hopefully long and successful series of RSA Cr- tographers’ Track proceedings. The Cryptographers’ Track (CT-RSA) is one of the many parallel tracks of the yearly RSA Conference. Other sessions deal with government projects, law and policy issues, freedom and privacy news, analysts’ opinions, standards, ASPs, biotech and healthcare, nance, telecom and wireless security, developers, new products, implementers, threats, RSA products, VPNs, as well as cryp- graphy and enterprise tutorials. RSA Conference 2001 is expected to continue the tradition and remain the largest computer security event ever staged: 250 vendors, 10,000 visitors and 3,000 class-going attendees are expected in San Francisco next year. I am very grateful to the 22 members of the program committee for their hard work. The program committee received 65 submissions (one of which was later withdrawn) for which review was conducted electronically; almost all papers had at least two reviews although most had three or more. Eventually, we accepted the 33 papers that appear in these proceedings. Revisions were not checked on their scienti c aspects and some authors will write nal versions of their papers for publication in refereed journals. As is usual, authors bear full scienti c and paternity responsibilities for the contents of their papers.
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Table of contents (33 papers)
New Cryptosystems
- Iris Anshel, Michael Anshel, Benji Fisher, Dorian Goldfeld
Pages 13-27
- Geneviève Arboit1, Jean-Marc Robert
Pages 44-51
- Ron Steinfeld, Yuliang Zheng
Pages 52-62
Symmetric Cryptography
- Helena Handschuh, Lars R. Knudsen, Matthew J. Robshaw
Pages 70-83
- Kris Gaj, Pawel Chodowiec
Pages 84-99
Gambling and Lotteries
- Eyal Kushilevitz, Tal Rabin
Pages 100-109
- Markus Jakobsson, David Pointcheval, Adam Young
Pages 110-125
Reductions, Constructions and Security Proofs
- Daniel R. L. Brown, Don B. Johnson
Pages 126-142
- Michel Abdalla, Mihir Bellare, Phillip Rogaway
Pages 143-158
- Tatsuaki Okamoto, David Pointcheval
Pages 159-174
Flaws and Attacks
- Markus Jakobsson, Susanne Wetzel
Pages 176-191
- Colin D. Walter, Susan Thompson
Pages 192-207
- Marc Joye, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Moti Yung
Pages 208-222
- Alexander Tiountchik, Elena Trichina
Pages 223-234
- Elena Trichina, Alex Tiountchik
Pages 235-249
- Michael Brown, Darrel Hankerson, Julio López, Alfred Menezes
Pages 250-265
Editors and Affiliations
Gemplus Card International, Issy les Moulineaux, France
David Naccache