- Editors:
Olivier Balet
Virtual Reality Department, CS SI, Toulouse, France
Gérard Subsol
Laboratoire d’Informatique, Université d’Avignon, Avignon Cedex, France
Patrice Torguet
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Cedex 4, France
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About this book
The story is the richest heritage of human civilizations. One can imagine the ?rst stories being told, several thousand centuries ago, by wise old men huddled around camp?res. Since this time, the narrative process has been considerably developed and enriched: sounds and music have been added to complement the speech, while scenery and theatrical sets have been created to enhance the story environment. Actors, dancers, and technicians have replaced the lone storyteller. The story is no longer the sole preserve of oral narrative but can be realized in book, theatrical, dance, or movie form. Even the audience can extend up to several million individuals. And yet in its many forms the story lies at the heart of one of the world’s most important industries. The advent of the digital era has enhanced and accelerated this evolution: image synthesis, digital special e?ects, new Human-Computer interfaces, and the Internet allow one not only to realize more sophisticated narrative forms but also to create new concepts such as video gaming and virtual environments. The art of storytelling is becoming evermore complex. Virtual reality o?ers new tools to capture, and to interactively modify the imaginary environment, in ever more intuitive ways, coupled with a maximum sensory feedback. In fact, virtual reality technologies o?er enhanced and exciting production possibilities for the creation and non-linear manipulation in real time, of almost any story form. This has lead to the new concept of Virtual Storytelling.
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Table of contents (24 papers)
New Techniques
- Olivier Balet, Paul Kafno, Fred Jordan, Tony Polichroniadis
Pages 30-39
- Pierre-Alexandre Favier, Pierre De Loor, Jacques Tisseau
Pages 40-43
- Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal
Pages 44-47
Authoring Tools
- Massimo Zancanaro, Alessandro Cappelletti, Claudio Signorini, Carlo Strapparava
Pages 61-68
- Nikitas M. Sgouros, Sophia Kousidou
Pages 69-78
A New Form of Narration
- Andy Clarke, Grethe Mitchell
Pages 81-89
- Jay Douglas, Jonathan Gratch
Pages 100-109
Virtual Characters
- Isabel Machado, Ana Paiva, Paul Brna
Pages 127-134
- Eric Menou, Vincent Bonnafous, Jean-Pierre Jessel, René Caubet
Pages 135-144
- Marc Cavazza, Fred Charles, Steven J. Mead
Pages 145-154
- Eric Maffre, Jacques Tisseau, Marc Parenthoёn
Pages 155-158
- Benoît Labaye, Nadia Guérin, Sébastien Dohogne
Pages 171-180
Editors and Affiliations
Virtual Reality Department, CS SI, Toulouse, France
Olivier Balet
Laboratoire d’Informatique, Université d’Avignon, Avignon Cedex, France
Gérard Subsol
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Patrice Torguet