Data sets in large applications are often too massive to fit completely inside the computer’s internal memory. The resulting input/output communication (or I/O) between fast internal memory and slower external memory (such as disks) can be a major performance bottleneck. In this tutorial, we survey the state of the art in the design and analysis of external memory algorithms (also known as EM algorithms or out-of-core algorithms or I/O algorithms). External memory algorithms are often designed using the parallel disk model (PDM). The three machine-independent measures of an algorithm’s performance in PDM are the number of I/O operations performed, the CPU time, and the amount of disk space used. PDM allows for multiple disks (or disk arrays) and parallel CPUs, and it can be generalized to handle cache hierarchies, hierarchical memory, and tertiary storage.
We discuss a variety of problems and show how to solve them efficiently in external memory. Programming tools and environments are available for simplifying the programming task. Experiments on some newly developed algorithms for spatial databases incorporating these paradigms, implemented using TPIE (Transparent Parallel I/O programming Environment), show significant speedups over popular methods.
Extended abstract. An earlier version appeared as an invited tutorial in Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS ’98), Seattle, WA, June 1998. A longer version appears in [106]. An updated version is available electronically on the author’s web pageat http://www.cys.duke.edu/~jsv/. Feedback is welcome.
Supported in part by Army Research Office MURI grant DAAH04-96-1-0013 and by National Science Foundation research grant CCR-9522047.
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Vitter, J.S. (1998). External Memory Algorithms. In: Bilardi, G., Italiano, G.F., Pietracaprina, A., Pucci, G. (eds) Algorithms — ESA’ 98. ESA 1998. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1461. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-68530-8_1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-68530-8_1
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