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Phase Transitions in Machine Learning

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Encyclopedia of Machine Learning


Statistical Physics of learning; Threshold phenomena in learning; Typical complexity of learning


Phase transition (PT) is a term originally used in physics to denote the transformation of a system from a liquid, solid, or gas state (phase) to another. It is used, by extension, to describe any abrupt and sudden change in one of the order parameters describing an arbitrary system, when a control parameter approaches a critical value (While early studies on PTs in computer science inverted the notions of order and control parameters, this article will stick to the original definition used in Statistical Physics.).

Far from being limited to physical systems, PTs are ubiquitous in sciences, notably in computational science. Typically, hard combinatorial problems display a PT with regard to the probability of existence of a solution. Note that the notion of PT cannot be studied in relation to single-problem instances: it refers to emergent phenomena in an ensembleof...

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Saitta, L., Sebag, M. (2011). Phase Transitions in Machine Learning. In: Sammut, C., Webb, G.I. (eds) Encyclopedia of Machine Learning. Springer, Boston, MA.

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