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This chapter describes supernetworks as a formalism for the modeling and analysis of complex decision-making in the Information Age, which is characterized by the prominent role played by telecommunication networks coupled with other networks. The chapter traces the concept and term, whose origins lie in transportation science and computer science, and lays its foundations in the context of system-optimization versus user-optimization. The Braess paradox is recalled and its relevance to network design discussed. Multicriteria supernetworks are subsequently modeled and variational inequality formulations of the governing equilibrium conditions given, along with an explicit application to telecommuting versus commuting decision-making. Both multitiered as well as multilevel supernetworks are highlighted and a plethora of applications such as supply chains with electronic commerce, integrated social and supply chain networks, and financial networks with intermediation and electronic transactions are overviewed.

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Nagurney, A. (2006). Supernetworks. In: Resende, M.G.C., Pardalos, P.M. (eds) Handbook of Optimization in Telecommunications. Springer, Boston, MA.

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