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Navier–Stokes Equations : A Mathematical Analysis

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Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science
  • 852 Accesses

Definition of the Subject

The Navier–Stokes equations are a mathematical model aimed at describing the motion of an incompressible viscous fluid , like many commonones as, for instance, water, glycerin, oil and, under certain circumstances, also air. They were introduced in 1822 by the French engineer Claude LouisMarie Henri Navier and successively re-obtained, by different arguments, by a number of authors including Augustin-Louis Cauchy in 1823,Siméon Denis Poisson in 1829, Adhémar Jean Claude Barré de Saint-Venant in 1837, and, finally, George Gabriel Stokes in 1845. We refer the reader tothe beautiful paper by Olivier Darrigol [17], for a detailed and thorough analysis of thehistory of the Navier–Stokes equations.

Even though, for quite some time, their significance in the applications was not fully recognized, the Navier–Stokes equations are, nowadays,at the foundations of many branches of applied sciences, including Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology, Oil Industry, Airplane, Ship...

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Steady-State flow:

Flow where both velocity and pressure fields are time-independent.

Three-dimensional (or 3D) flow:

Flow where velocity and pressure fields depend on all three spatial variables.

Two-dimensional (or planar, or 2D) flow:

Flow where velocity and pressure fields depend only on two spatial variables belonging to a portion of a plane, and the component of the velocity orthogonal to that plane is identically zero.

Local solution:

Solution where velocity and pressure fields are known to exist only for a finite interval of time.

Global solution:

Solution where velocity and pressure fields exist for all positive times.

Regular solution:

Solution where velocity and pressure fields satisfy the Navier–Stokes equations and the corresponding initial and boundary conditions in the ordinary sense of differentiation and continuity.

At times, we may interchangeably use the words “flow” and “solution”.

Basic notation:

\( { \mathbb{N} } \) is the set of positive integers. \( { \mathbb{R} } \) is the field of real numbers and \( { \mathbb{R}^N } \), \( { N\in\mathbb{N} } \), is the set of all N-tuple \( { \boldsymbol{x}=(x_1,\dots,x_N) } \). The canonical base in \( { \mathbb{R}^N } \) is denoted by \( { \{\boldsymbol{e}_1,\boldsymbol{e}_2,\boldsymbol{e}_3,\ldots, \boldsymbol{e}_N\}\equiv\{\boldsymbol{e}_i\} } \). For \( { a,b\in\mathbb{R} } \), \( { b > a } \), we set \( { (a,b)=\{x\in\mathbb{R}: a < x < b\} } \), \( { [a,b]=\{x\in\mathbb{R}: a\le x\le b\} } \), \( [a,b)=\{x\in\mathbb{R}: a\le x < b\} \) and \( { (a,b]=\{x\in\mathbb{R}: a < x\le b\} } \). By \( { \bar{\mathcal{A}} } \) we indicate the closure of the subset \( { \mathcal{A} } \) of \( { \mathbb{R}^N } \). A domain is an open connected subset of \( { \mathbb{R}^N } \). Given a second-order tensor \( { \boldsymbol{A} } \) and a vector \( { \boldsymbol{a} } \), of components \( { \{A_{ij}\} } \) and \( { \{a_{i}\} } \), respectively, in the basis \( { \{\boldsymbol{e}_{i}\} } \), by \( { \boldsymbol{a}\cdot\boldsymbol{A} } \) [respectively, \( { \boldsymbol{A}\cdot\boldsymbol{a} } \)] we mean the vector with components \( { A_{ij}a_i } \) [respectively, \( { A_{ij}a_j } \)]. (We use the Einstein summation convention over repeated indices, namely, if an index occurs twice in the same expression, the expression is implicitly summed over all possible values for that index.) Moreover, we set \( { |\boldsymbol{A}|=\sqrt{A_{ij}A_{ij}} } \). If \( { \boldsymbol{h}(\boldsymbol{z})\equiv\{h_i(\boldsymbol{z})\} } \) is a vector field, by \( { \nabla \boldsymbol{h} } \) we denote the second-order tensor field whose components \( { \{\nabla \boldsymbol{h}\}_{ij} } \) in the given basis are given by \( { \{\partial h_j/\partial z_i\} } \).

Function spaces notation:

If \( { \mathcal{A}\subseteq\mathbb{R}^N } \) and \( k\in \mathbb{N}\cup\{0\} \), by \( { C^k(\mathcal{A}) } \) [respectively, \( { C^k(\bar{\mathcal{A}}) } \)] we denote the class of functions which are continuous in \( { \mathcal{A} } \) up to their kth derivatives included [respectively, are bounded and uniformly continuous in \( { \mathcal{A} } \) up to their kth derivatives included]. The subset of \( { C^k(\mathcal{A}) } \) of functions vanishing outside a compact subset of \( { \mathcal{A} } \) is indicated by \( { C^k_0(\mathcal{A}) } \). If \( { u\in C^k(\mathcal{A}) } \) for all \( { k\in \mathbb{N}\cup\{0\} } \), we shall write \( { u\in C^\infty(\mathcal{A}) } \). In an analogous way we define \( { C^\infty(\bar{\mathcal{A}}) } \) and \( { C_0^\infty(\mathcal{A}) } \). The symbols \( { L^q(\mathcal{A}) } \), \( { W^{m,q}(\mathcal{A}) } \), \( { m\ge 0 } \), \( { 1\le q \le \infty } \), denote the usual Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces, respectively (\( { W^{0,q}(\mathcal{A})= L^q(\mathcal{A}) } \)). Norms in \( { L^q(\mathcal{A}) } \) and \( { W^{m,q}(\mathcal{A}) } \) are denoted by \( \smash{ \|\,\cdot\,\|_{q,\mathcal{A}} } \), \( \smash{ \|\,\cdot\,\|_{m,q,\mathcal{A}} } \). The trace space on the boundary, \( { \partial\mathcal{A} } \), of \( { \mathcal{A} } \) for functions from \( { W^{m,q}(\mathcal{A}) } \) will be denoted by \( { W^{m-1/q,q}(\partial\mathcal{A}) } \) and its norm by \( \smash{ \|\,\cdot\|_{m-1/q,q,\partial\mathcal{A}} } \).

By \( { D^{k,q}(\mathcal{A}) } \), \( { k\ge1 } \), \( { 1 < q < \infty } \), we indicate the homogeneous Sobolev space of order \( { (m,q) } \) on \( { \mathcal{A} } \), that is, the class of functions u that are (Lebesgue) locally integrable in \( { \mathcal{A} } \) and with \( { D^\beta u\in L^q(\mathcal{A}) } \), \( { |\beta|=k } \), where \( D^{\beta} ={\partial ^{|\beta|}}/{\partial x_1 ^{\beta_1}\partial x_2^{\beta_2}\dots\partial x_N^{\beta_N}}\, \), \( |\beta|=\beta_1+\beta_2+\dots+\beta_N \). For \( { u\in D^{k,q}(\mathcal{A}) } \), we put

$$ |u|_{k,q,\mathcal{A}}= \left(\sum_{|\beta|=k} \int_\mathcal{A}\mid D^{\beta} u\mid^{q}\right)^{1/q}\:. $$

Notice that, whenever confusion does not arise, in the integrals we omit the infinitesimal volume or surface elements. Let

$$ \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{A})=\{\boldsymbol{\varphi}\in C^{\infty}_0(\mathcal{A}):\mathrm{div}\,\boldsymbol{\varphi} = 0\}\:. $$

By \( { L^q_\sigma(\mathcal{A}) } \) we denote the completion of \( { \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{A}) } \) in the norm \( { \|\cdot\|_q } \). If \( { \mathcal{A} } \) is any domain in \( { \mathbb{R}^N } \) we have \( { L^2(\mathcal{A})=L^2_\sigma(\mathcal{A})\oplus G(\mathcal{A}) } \), where \( G(\mathcal{A})=\{\boldsymbol{h}\in L^2(\mathcal{A}): \boldsymbol{h}=\nabla p\,,\text{ for some } p\in D^{1,2}(\mathcal{A})\} \); (see Sect. III.1 in [31]). We denote by P the orthogonal projection operator from \( { L^2(\mathcal{A}) } \) onto \( { L^2_\sigma(\mathcal{A}) } \). By \( { \mathcal{D}_0^{1,2}(\mathcal{A}) } \) we mean the completion of \( { \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{A}) } \) in the norm \( { |\,\cdot\,|_{1,2,\mathcal{A}} } \). \( { \mathcal{D}_0^{1,2}(\mathcal{A}) } \) is a Hilbert space with scalar product \( { [\boldsymbol{v}_1,\boldsymbol{v}_2]:=\int_\mathcal{A}(\partial\boldsymbol{v}_1/\partial{x_i})\cdot(\partial\boldsymbol{v}_2/\partial{x_i}) } \). Furthermore, \( { \mathcal{D}_0^{-1,2}(\mathcal{A}) } \) is the dual space of \( { \mathcal{D}_0^{1,2}(\mathcal{A}) } \) and \( { \langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle_{\mathcal{A}} } \) is the associated duality pairing.

If \( { \boldsymbol{g}\equiv\{g_i\} } \) and \( { \boldsymbol{h}\equiv\{h_i\} } \) are vector fields on \( { \mathcal{A} } \), we set

$$ (\boldsymbol{g},\boldsymbol{h})_\mathcal{A}=\int_\mathcal{A} g_i h_i\,, $$

whenever the integrals make sense.

In all the above notation, if confusion will not arise, we shall omit the subscript \( { \mathcal{A} } \).

Given a Banach space X, and an open interval \( { (a,b) } \), we denote by \( { L^q(a,b;X) } \) the linear space of (equivalence classes of) functions \( { f:(a,b)\to X } \) whose X-norm is in \( { L^q(a,b) } \). Likewise, for r a non-negative integer and I a real interval, we denote by \( { C^r(I;X) } \) the class of continuous functions from I to X, which are differentiable in I up to the order r included.

If X denotes any space of real functions, we shall use, as a rule, the same symbol X to denote the corresponding space of vector and tensor-valued functions.


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This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation, Grants DMS-0404834 andDMS-0707281.

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Galdi, G.P. (2009). Navier–Stokes Equations : A Mathematical Analysis. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.

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