Definition of the Subject
In this article we survey some qualitative and geometric aspects of non-smooth dynamical systems theory. Our goal is to provide an overview ofthe state of the art on the theory of contact between a vector field and a manifold, and on discontinuous vector fields and theirperturbations. We also establish a bridge between two-dimensional non-smooth systems and the geometric singular perturbationtheory. Non-smooth dynamical systems is a subject that has been developing at a very fast pace in recent years due to various factors: itsmathematical beauty, its strong relationship with other branches of science and the challenge in establishing reasonable and consistent definitions andconventions. It has become certainly one of the common frontiers between mathematics and physics/engineering. We mention that certain phenomena in controlsystems, impact in mechanical systems and nonlinear oscillations are the main sources of motivation for our study concerning the...
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- Non-smooth dynamical system:
Systems derived from ordinary differential equations when the non-uniqueness of solutions is allowed. In this article we deal with discontinuous vector fields in R n where the discontinuities are concentrated in a codimension-one surface.
- Bifurcation:
In a k-parameter family of systems, a bifurcation is a parameter value at which the phase portrait is not structurally stable.
- Typical singularity:
Are points on the discontinuity set where the orbits of the system through them must be distinguished.
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Teixeira, M.A. (2009). Perturbation Theory for Non-smooth Systems. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.
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