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Probability Densities in Complex Systems, Measuring

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Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science
  • 111 Accesses

Definition of the Subject

Observables in complex systems usually obtain a broad range of values. They are random variables of a stochastic process and the systemexplores a wide phase space. The observables are therefore characterized by a probability density function (PDF), representing the probability (density) to find the complex system in a state with a particularvalue of the observable. As in other areas of statistical mechanics, complex systems are often studied in computer simulations, most prominently Monte Carlo  [1,2,3] and theprobability density function is recorded in form of a histogram, which frequently has power-law asymptotes. Historically, the probabilitydensity function itself plays a dominant rôle in the characterization of complex system, while more recently derived quantities, in particularmoments, are used more frequently.


There are three main stages in the analysis of the PDF of a complex system: The first step is to generate in a computer...

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Apparent exponent:

The apparent exponent is the power-law exponent of the probability density function \( { P(s;s_{\mathrm{c}}) } \) in the scaling region. The scaling region is the range of event sizes s which is closest to a straight line in a double-logarithmic plot of \( { P(s;s_{\mathrm{c}}) } \), the intermediate range \( { s_{\mathrm{c}}\gg s\gg s_{\mathrm{0}} } \).

Consistent estimator:

An estimator is consistent if it converges to the quantity estimated (the expectation value of the population) as the sample size is increased. For example, the lack of independence of consecutive measurements generated in a numerical simulation can render an estimator inconsistent.

Corrections to scaling:

In general, pure power-law behavior is found in an observable only to leading order, for example \( \langle{s^2}\rangle = aL^\alpha + b L^\beta + \dots \) with \( { \alpha > \beta } \). While the sub-leading terms can have great physical relevance more emphasis is normally given to the leading order. The quality of the data analysis when determining the leading order can improve significantly by allowing for correction terms. The exponents found in these correction terms are usually expected to be universal as well.

Correlation time:

Fitting the autocorrelation function of an observable to an exponential \( { \exp(-t/\tau) } \) produces the correlation time t. Although correlations are in general more complicated than the single exponential suggests, the standard deviation of the estimator of the nth moment from N measurements is often estimated to be \( { \sqrt{(2\tau+1)/N} } \) times the estimated standard deviation of the nth moment,

$$ \overline{\sigma}^2\left(\overline{s^n}\right) = \frac{2\tau+1}{N} \overline{\sigma}^2\left({s^n}\right) \: , $$

as if the number of independent measurements was only \( { N/(2\tau+1) } \).


A numerical estimator is any function that provides an estimate from the sample, that is the set of all measurements taken. A good estimator is unbiased, consistent and efficient. Very often, such an estimator coincides with the definition of the observable as taken from the exact distribution, for example \( { \overline{s^2}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_i^N s_i^2 } \) for estimating the second moment from an uncorrelated sample \( { s_1, s_2, \dots, s_N } \), with exact value \( { \langle{s^2}\rangle=\int \mskip2mu\mathrm{d}{s} s^2 P(s;s_{\mathrm{c}}) } \). However, generally, a function of observables to be estimated, is not well estimated by taking the function of the estimates. For example, the square of the first moment \( { \langle{s}\rangle^2 } \) is not well estimated by the numerical estimate \( { \overline{s}^2=(\sum s_i/N)^2 } \), as this estimator would be biased.

Finite size scaling:

Observables in complex systems that display a power-law dependence on a parameter, often diverge in the thermodynamic limit. In finite systems they remain finite and their value is expected to diverge as a power-law of the system size. The relation between the value of the observable and the system size is known as “finite size scaling” (abbreviated FSS).

Gap exponent:

Given that a system displays scaling, the exponents \( { \gamma_n^{\prime} } \) characterizing the dependence of the nth moment on a parameter, such as the system size in case of finite size scaling, often are linear in n. The gap exponent is the gap between consecutive moments, \( { \gamma^{\prime}_{n+1}-\gamma^{\prime}_n } \).

Importance sampling:

Importance sampling is a numerical technique to bias the frequency which with configurations are generated, so that states of greater importance, e.?g. large observables, are generated more often than others, less important ones. Using a Markov chain to generate the states of an Ising model as opposed to generating them at random and applying a Boltzmann–Gibbs weight can be regarded as a form of importance sampling.

Lower cutoff:

The lower cutoff in a probability density function of event sizes in complex systems is a value of the event size above which the distribution displays universal behavior. Below this value the system is governed by microscopic details. For many systems, the probability density functions for different system sizes coincide for event sizes below the lower cutoff.

Markov chain Monte Carlo:

A Monte Carlo technique whereby configurations are generated by transforming the state of the system according to a transition probability. The stationary probability distribution of the different states corresponds to the target probability distribution, i.?e. the distribution to be modeled. In complex systems, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (abbreviated MCMC) is the natural method to study a model: Configurations of the system are generated with the frequency they occur in the exact distribution.

Moment analysis:

In general it is a difficult to identify and quantify scaling behavior in probability density functions. The most general analysis is a data collapse, the quality of which is not easily determined. The most widely used method to determine scaling exponents and moment ratios of the universal scaling function therefore is a moment analysis. Based on the scaling assumption of the probability density function, moments scale as a power of the upper cutoff with amplitudes certain ratios of which are universal.

Monte Carlo:

Technique to calculate numerical estimates for expectation values in stochastic models by generating configurations at random. More generally, Monte Carlo (abbreviated MC) is a stochastic technique to numerically integrate a high-dimensional integral, here corresponding to the calculation of an expectation value by integrating over all degrees of freedom, constituting the phase space of the system.

Parameter space and phase space:

The parameter space of a complex system is the space spanned by all parameters of the model, such as system size and couplings of the interacting agents. A numerical study usually aims to probe the model throughout a large part of the parameter space. The number of parameters therefore needs to be as small as possible. Often only a single parameter exists. Leaving the parameters fixed, an individual numerical simulation samples the phase space available to the system. The phase space is the set of all possible configurations or states of the model. This space is very high dimensional and it is virtually impossible to sample this space homogeneously. A numerical simulation relies on the assumption that the sample taken nevertheless is sufficiently representative to allow for reliable estimates.

Stationary distribution and transient:

Most complex systems studied possess a limiting distribution, i.?e. the probability density distribution in phase space converges. This is the stationary distribution. A free random walker, for example, does not possess a stationary distribution, while a random walker in a harmonic potential does. Due to correlations, the probability distribution of states after any finite time generally depends on the initial condition, which is therefore often chosen to be random. The measurements discarded due to these correlation are called the transient.

Unbiased estimator:

An estimator is unbiased if the population average of the estimator is independent of the sample size. For example, \( { \overline{s}=\sum_i^N s_i/N } \) from an uncorrelated sample \( { s_1,\dots,s_N } \) is an unbiased estimator of the expected first moment. Estimating the variance of s as \( { \overline{\sigma}^2(s)=\overline{s^2}-\overline{s}^2 } \) however is biased, because the population mean of \( { \overline{s^2}-\overline{s}^2 } \) is \( { ((N-1)/N) (\langle{s^2}\rangle-\langle{s}\rangle^2) } \), which depends on the sample size N.

Upper cutoff:

The upper cutoff is the characteristic scale of the universal part of the event size distribution. It is a measure of the event size at which the scaling function of the event size distribution breaks up. Moments \( { \langle{s^n}\rangle } \) with sufficiently large n are to leading order a power of the upper cutoff. The upper cutoff itself is expected to be a power law of the system parameter, i.?e. the system size in case of finite size scaling. The exponent controlling the relation between upper cutoff and system size is the gap exponent.


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Pruessner, G. (2009). Probability Densities in Complex Systems, Measuring. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.

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