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Social Networks, Exponential Random Graph (p *) Models for

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Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science

Definition of the Subject

Exponential random graph models , also known as p models , constitute a family of statistical models for social networks. These models take the form of a probabilitydistribution of graphs:

$$ \text{Pr}(\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{x}) = (1 / \kappa) \exp\{\boldsymbol{\eta}^{\prime}\mathbf{g}\} \:, $$

for a set of tie indicator variables X on a network of fixed node size n, where x is a realization, with a parameter vector \( { \boldsymbol{\eta} } \) and a vector of network statistics g. Each value of the parameter vector corresponds to a probability distribution on the set of all graphs with n nodes.


As noted in [34], statistical approaches to social networks have quite a long history,stretching at least back to the work of Moreno in the 1930s [24]. Yet, that history is rathersparsely scattered across various literatures and different eras and, as a result, even today we see that older techniques and approaches arereinvented and repackaged as new. The st...

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Alternating independent-2-paths:

A parameter (and statistic) in new specification models; a particular combination of k‑independent-2-path counts into the one statistic.

Alternating k-stars:

A Markov parameter (and statistic) in the new specification models; a particular combination of Markov k‑star counts into the one statistic; equivalent to geometrically weighted degree counts; useful for modeling the degree distribution.

Alternating k‑triangles:

A parameter (and statistic) in the new specification models; a particular combination of ktriangle counts into the one statistic; equivalent to weighted shared partners.

Cyclic triad:

A Markov graph configuration: in a directed network, ties ij, jk and ki are observed among actors \( { i, j } \), and k.

Degeneracy (or near‐degeneracy):

When a model implies that very few distinct graphs are probable, often only empty or complete graphs; degenerate models cannot be good models for social network data.

Dependence assumption:

Theoretical assumption about dependencies among possible network ties; determines the type of parameters in the model.

Dyad independence:

Assumes that dyads are independent of one another; the model includes edge and reciprocity parameters, and possibly also node or dyad attributes.

Dyad-wise shared partners:

A parameter (and statistic) in the higher order models; equivalent to alternating independent 2-paths.

Edge-wise shared partner distribution:

Distribution of the number of dyads who are themselves related and who have a fixed number of shared partners.

Edge-wise shared partners:

A parameter (and statistic) in the higher order models; equivalent to alternating k‑triangles.

Geometrically weighted degree counts:

A statistic (and parameter) in the new specification models: a sum of degree counts with geometrically decreasing weights; equivalent to alternating k-stars.

Homogeneity assumption:

Assumption about which parameters to equate, to make a model identifiable.


Configurations in the higher order models; equivalent to k‑triangles but without the base.


A Markov graph configuration: in a directed graph, k arcs are directed to the one actor.


A Markov graph configuration: in a directed graph, k arcs are expressed by the one actor.


A configuration in higher order models; in a non‐directed graph, the combination of k triangles, each sharing the one edge (the base of the k‑triangle).


A Markov graph configuration: in a non‐directed graph, k edges are expressed by the one actor.

Markov dependence assumption:

Introduced by Frank and Strauss [9], proposes that, conditional on the rest of the graph, two possible ties are independent of each other unless they share an actor.


A Markov graph configuration: a two path in a directed graph.

Monte Carlo Markov chain maximum likelihood estimation (MCMCMLE):

Method of estimation based on computer simulation; more principled than pseudolikelihood.

Network configuration:

A small subgraph that may be observed in the data and that is represented by parameters in the model: e. g. reciprocated ties, triangles.


Relate to specific network configurations that may be observed in the graph; a large positive parameter is interpreted as the presence of more of the configurations than might be expected from chance (given the other effects in the model); a large negative parameter signifies the relative absence of the configuration.

Partial dependence assumption:

Assumption for dependencies among possible ties created by the presence of other ties; permits models with higher order configurations than Markov configurations.

Pseudo‐likelihood estimation:

An approximate method of estimation using logistic regression; does not produce reliable standard errors.

p 1 Model:

An early dyad independence model, including popularity and expansiveness effects.

p 2 Model:

Elaboration of p 1 model, where popularity and expansiveness effects are random, and independent variables may be used to predict ties.

Simple random graphs, Bernoulli graphs, Erdös–Rényi graphs:

Assume that edges are independent of one another and are observed with a given probability.

Social circuit dependence:

Two possible ties are conditionally dependent when, if observed, they would create a 4-cycle.

Transitive triad:

A Markov graph configuration: in a directed network, ties ij, jk and ik are observed among actors \( { i, j } \), and k.


A Markov graph configuration: in a non‐directed network, a clique of three actors, ties ij, jk and ik are observed among actors \( { i, j } \), and k.


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Robins, G. (2009). Social Networks, Exponential Random Graph (p *) Models for. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.

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