Spatio-temporal index structures; Moving objects; Life-time; Evolution; Indexing, native-space; Indexing, parametric space; Index, R‑tree; Index, MVR‑tree
Consider a number of objects moving continuously on a 2‐dimensional universe over some time interval. Given the complete archive of the spatio‐temporal evolution of these objects, we would like to build appropriate index structures for answering range and nearest neighbor queries efficiently. For example: “Find all objects that appeared inside area S during time-interval \( [t_1, t_2) \) ” and “Find the object nearest to point P at time t”.
Consider the spatio‐temporal evolution appearing in Fig. 1. The X and Y axes represent the plane while the T axis corresponds to the time dimension. At time 1 objects \( o_1 \) (a point) and \( o_2 \) (a region) appear. At time 2, object \( o_3 \) appears, while \( o_1 \) moves to a new position and \( o_2 \) shrinks. Object \( o_1 \) moves again at times 4 and 5; \( o_2 \)...
- 1.
Where K is implied by some space constraint, e. g., the available disk space.
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Hadjieleftheriou, M., Kollios, G., Tsotras, V., Gunopulos, D. (2008). Indexing Spatio-temporal Archives. In: Shekhar, S., Xiong, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of GIS. Springer, Boston, MA.
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