Linear dimension reduction technique reduces the dimension of biometric data using a linear transform. The linear transform is always learned by optimization of a criterion. Biometric data are then projected on to the range space of this transform. Subsequent processing is then performed in that lower-dimensional space.
In biometrics, data are invariably represented in vectors and the dimensionality is consistently very high. It would be computationally expensive to process them directly by using many algorithms. Moreover, it is sometimes desirable to exact robust, informative or discriminative facts contained in the data. For these reasons, a lower dimensional subspace is found such that the most important part of the data is retained for linear representation. Among the techniques for learning such subspace, linear dimension reduction methods are popular.
Given a set of N data samples {x 1, … , x N }, where x i  ∈ \(\Re\)...
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Zheng, WS., Lai, J.H., Yuen, P.C. (2009). Linear Dimension Reduction. In: Li, S.Z., Jain, A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Biometrics. Springer, Boston, MA.
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