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Security and Dependability for Ambient Intelligence

  • Book
  • © 2009


  • Includes case studies demonstrating recognition of the SERENITY approach in specific types of systems
  • Covers adaptation of security and dependability solutions as part of ambient intelligence, while existing books on security patterns focus primarily on use of patterns in system development
  • Includes supplementary material:

Part of the book series: Advances in Information Security (ADIS, volume 45)

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About this book

Security and Dependability for Ambient Intelligence is the primary publication of the SERENITY approach, which provides security and dependability (S&D) solutions for dynamic, highly distributed, heterogeneous systems. The objective of SERENITY is to enhance the security and dependability of ambient intelligence systems by providing a framework supporting the automated integration, configuration, monitoring and adaptation of security and dependability mechanisms.

An edited volume contributed by world leaders in the field, this book covers the problems that the highly dynamic and heterogeneous nature of ambient intelligence systems poses to security and dependability and presents solutions to these problems.

Security and Dependability for Ambient Intelligence is designed for researchers and practitioners focusing on the dynamic integration, deployment and verification of security and dependability solutions in highly distributed systems incorporating ambient intelligence features. It is also suitable as a reference or secondary text for advanced-level students in computer science and computer or electrical engineering.

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Table of contents (21 chapters)

  1. Foundations of Security and Dependability

  2. The SERENITY Security and Dependability Artefacts

  3. Developing SERENITY Aware Applications and S&D solutions

  4. Runtime Support for Security and Dependability

  5. Dealing with Security and Dependability at Organisational and Legal Levels

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