Motivated by the need for unification of the domain of data mining and the demand for formalized representation of outcomes of data mining investigations, we address the task of constructing an ontology of data mining. Our heavy-weight ontology, named OntoDM, is based on a recently proposed general framework for data mining. It represent entites such as data, data mining tasks and algorithms, and generalizations (resulting from the latter), and allows us to cover much of the diversity in data mining research, including recently developed approaches to mining structured data and constraint-based data mining. OntoDM is compliant to best practices in ontology engineering, and can consequently be linked to other domain ontologies: It thus represents a major step towards an ontology of data mining investigations.
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Panov, P., Džeroski, S., Soldatova, L.N. (2010). Representing Entities in the OntoDM Data Mining Ontology. In: Džeroski, S., Goethals, B., Panov, P. (eds) Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-7738-0_2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-7738-0_2
Publisher Name: Springer, New York, NY
Print ISBN: 978-1-4419-7737-3
Online ISBN: 978-1-4419-7738-0
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