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Arbitrarily Slow Convergence of Sequences of Linear Operators: A Survey

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Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering

Part of the book series: Springer Optimization and Its Applications ((SOIA,volume 49))

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This is a survey (without proofs except for verifying a few new facts) of the slowest possible rate of convergence of a sequence of linear operators that converges pointwise to a linear operator. A sequence of linear operators (L n ) is said to converge to a linear operator Larbitrarily slowly (resp., almost arbitrarily slowly) provided that (L n ) converges to L pointwise, and for each sequence of real numbers (ϕ(n)) converging to 0, there exists a point x = x ϕ such that \(\|{L}_{n}(x) - L(x)\| \geq \phi (n)\) for all n (resp., for infinitely many n). Two main “lethargy” theorems are prominent in this study, and they have numerous applications. The first lethargy theorem (Theorem  11.16) characterizes almost arbitrarily slow convergence. Applications of this lethargy theorem include the fact that a large class of polynomial operators (e.g., Bernstein, Hermite–Fejer, Landau, Fejer, and Jackson operators) all converge almost arbitrarily slowly to the identity operator. Also all the classical quadrature rules (e.g., the composite Trapezoidal Rule, composite Simpson’s Rule, and Gaussian quadrature) converge almost arbitrarily slowly to the integration functional. The second lethargy theorem (Theorem 11.21) gives useful sufficient conditions that guarantee arbitrarily slow convergence. In the particular case when the sequence of linear operators is generated by the powers of a single linear operator, there is a “dichotomy” theorem (Theorem 11.27) which states that either there is linear (fast) convergence or arbitrarily slow convergence; no other type of convergence is possible. Some applications of the dichotomy theorem include generalizations and sharpening of (1) the von Neumann-Halperin cyclic projections theorem, (2) the rate of convergence for intermittently (i.e., “almost” randomly) ordered projections, and (3) a theorem of Xu and Zikatanov.

AMS 2010 Subject Classification: 40A05, 41A25, 41A36, 41A65, 47N10.

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We are grateful to the two referees for raising some points that helped us to make the paper more complete and readable. We are also grateful to Heinz Bauschke who originally pointed out the paper [3] to us that we were unaware of at the time.

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Deutsch, F., Hundal, H. (2011). Arbitrarily Slow Convergence of Sequences of Linear Operators: A Survey. In: Bauschke, H., Burachik, R., Combettes, P., Elser, V., Luke, D., Wolkowicz, H. (eds) Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. Springer Optimization and Its Applications(), vol 49. Springer, New York, NY.

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