- Editors:
Helge Malmgren
Department of Philosophy, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden
Magnus Borga
Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Lars Niklasson
Department of Computer Science, University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden
- Comprises a selection of papers from the first international conference to focus specifically on the use of ANNs in medicine and biology
- Provides a state-of-the-art overview of a rapidly expanding area of research interest
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About this book
This book contains the proceedings of the conference ANNIMAB-l, held 13-16 May 2000 in Goteborg, Sweden. The conference was organized by the Society for Artificial Neural Networks in Medicine and Biology (ANNIMAB-S), which was established to promote research within a new and genuinely cross-disciplinary field. Forty-two contributions were accepted for presentation; in addition to these, S invited papers are also included. Research within medicine and biology has often been characterised by application of statistical methods for evaluating domain specific data. The growing interest in Artificial Neural Networks has not only introduced new methods for data analysis, but also opened up for development of new models of biological and ecological systems. The ANNIMAB-l conference is focusing on some of the many uses of artificial neural networks with relevance for medicine and biology, specifically: • Medical applications of artificial neural networks: for better diagnoses and outcome predictions from clinical and laboratory data, in the processing of ECG and EEG signals, in medical image analysis, etc. More than half of the contributions address such clinically oriented issues. • Uses of ANNs in biology outside clinical medicine: for example, in models of ecology and evolution, for data analysis in molecular biology, and (of course) in models of animal and human nervous systems and their capabilities. • Theoretical aspects: recent developments in learning algorithms, ANNs in relation to expert systems and to traditional statistical procedures, hybrid systems and integrative approaches.
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Table of contents (50 papers)
Invited Presentations
- Pierre Baldi, Gianluca Pollastri, Claus A. F. Andersen, Søren Brunak
Pages 3-9
- Gail A. Carpenter, Boriana L. Milenova
Pages 10-17
- Georg Dorffner, Peter Sykacek, Christian Schittenkopf
Pages 18-25
- Wayne M. Getz, William C. Lemon
Pages 37-44
- Anders Lansner, Anders Sandberg, Karl Magnus Petersson, Martin Ingvar
Pages 54-62
- P. J. G. Lisboa, A. Vellido, H. Wong
Pages 63-71
Medical Image Analysis
- Kuo-Sheng Cheng, Richard Sun, Nan-Haw Chow
Pages 75-80
- Andrew Hunter, James Lowell, Jonathan Owens, Lee Kennedy, David Steele
Pages 81-86
- Andreas Järund, Lars Edenbrandt, Mattias Ohlsson, Erik Borälv
Pages 87-92
- Ross J Maxwell, John Wilson, Gillian M Tozer, Paul R Barber, Borivoj Vojnovic
Pages 93-98
- Anand Rangarajan, Haili Chui
Pages 99-104
- Camille Serruys, Djamel Brahmi, Alain Giron, Nathalie Cassoux, Raoul Triller, Phuc Le Huang et al.
Pages 105-110
- Changjing Shang, Craig Daly, John McGrath, John Barker
Pages 111-116
Signal Processing in Medicine
Front Matter
Pages 117-117
- Theodoras Assimakopoulos, Kyra Dingli, Neil J. Douglas
Pages 119-124
Editors and Affiliations
Department of Philosophy, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden
Helge Malmgren
Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Magnus Borga
Department of Computer Science, University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden
Lars Niklasson