Slow oscillations are the coordinated activity of large populations of neurons consisting of an alternation of active periods (Up states) and silent periods (Down states). These oscillations occur with a slow frequency (≤ 1 Hz) in the corticothalamocortical network during slow-wave sleep and deep anesthesia, and they spontaneously occur also in cortical slices. This rhythmic activity emerges in the cortical network when there are no other driving inputs, and it can be considered its default activity. During the active periods, or Up states, neocortical neurons (both excitatory and inhibitory) are depolarized, receive barrages of synaptic inputs, and fire action potentials. During Down states neurons remain hyperpolarized and the synaptic activity is almost nonexistent. This “on-and-off” synaptic activity results in a bimodal distribution of the membrane potential values, an intracellular signature of slow oscillations. During the...
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Further Reading
Bazhenov M, Timofeev I (2006) Thalamocortical oscillations. Scholarpedia 1(6):1319
Okun M, Lampl I (2009) Balance of excitation and inhibition. Scholarpedia 4(8):7467
Wilson C (2008) Up and down states. Scholarpedia J 3(6):1410
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Sanchez-Vives, M.V. (2014). Slow Oscillations: Physiology. In: Jaeger, D., Jung, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer, New York, NY.
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